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From our President...    







                                                       Garry Irvine


Update: March 21st, 2024


Hei, Hi and Hello, everyone,


We're now well into the new year, and with some 'luck', if you can call the weather lucky, we will start enjoying spring soon.  It's been a funny winter and something larger than us is in charge! 


So far this season we've had several excellent talks.  If you want to catch up, check out the Past Events section...

















Last year's 23rd Oddveig Røsegg lecture was on the 16th of February on Zoom.  The talk about a re-enactment of "Escaping from Southern Norway - 80 years ago".  This was recorded and it is available to members.  Just email us at and we will send you a link to view the talk. â€‹


We look forward to this year's 17.mai.  Again more information can be found here...   


Our current season started as usual with a film night.  This time it was a semi-comedy called "Cool & Crazy"... "Cool & Crazy" - A men's choir from the small Norwegian fishing village of Berlevåg was asked to perform in the depressed Russian city of Murmansk.  Worth seeing - it is free on YouTube, so feel free...


Our last talk was planned to be about the Battle Of Largs, which we will be featuring when we can find a spot that suits everyone. But, as we know, that fell through and our long-term member, Alison Reith, kindly found Gunnar Bjercke to stand in.  This was an interesting evening that is again written up under Past Events. 


However, our "ventures forth" event will be a trip to Largs and the Vikingar experience.  Checkout for more details and if you are interested in participating, please get in touch through the usual Facebook or email.


Please keep checking this website and Facebook for more news about our arrangements.  


Stay safe and take care...





PS To view the references above, click-on the red text, and to see other pages on this website, simply click on the menu at the left.






1-Photo on 30-06-2020 at 21.33


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