The objectives of our Society are to promote and consolidate friendship and understanding between the Scottish and Norwegian peoples and to further cultural and other relationships between Scotland and Norway.
Full Members: approx. 65, Facebook Followers: 250
Founded in Dumfries in 1941 and triggerd by the many exiled Norwegians who lived and trained in the area during the War. The present Scottish Norwegian Society (Glasgow) was formed in 1943 is the surviving branch of that original Society.
HM King Olav V became the Society's Patron in 1951 and was guest of honour at a Dinner in Glasgow in 1966 to mark the 25th anniversary of the Society's institution.
HM King Harald V is an Honorary Member.
Office Bearers
Garry Irvine
Vice President
Anneli Demberg
Honorary Secretary
Anny Carchrie
Honorary Treasurer
Jim Carchrie
Council Members
Anneli Demberg
Katherine Kelsey
Bill Færestrand
Floss Færestrand
Kenneth Borthwick
Peter Brooks
Garry Irvine (Newsletter & Website Editor)
Honorary Member
H.M. King Harald V of Norway
Honorary Vice President
Honorary General Consul for Norway - Prof Julian Jones
Honorary Vice President
Adam MacNaughtan
The cost of creating and maintaining this website
is covered by a kind legacy from
ISABEL JAMIESON of Killearn, who died in 2008.
Our Society